Available Now: The Spanish Edition of Disrupt Disruption
Más allá de la disruption: Get your copy for only $0.99!
This is Pascal—allow me to interrupt our normal programming for a special announcement:
Building on the success of the English edition, we wanted to make the book available to an (even) broader audience: We just launched the Spanish-language edition of my book “Disrupt Disruption – How to Decode the Future, Disrupt Your Industry, and Transform Your Business”:
Más allá de la disrupción: Decodifica el futuro, disrumpe en tu sector y transforma tu negocio.
In the book, we call bullsh☠️t on the popular disruption narratives and offer a holistic view of the dynamics of disruption. Drawing on hundreds of exclusive interviews with successful innovators and leaders of incumbent organizations that have weathered paradigm shifts in their industries, we provide a perspective-shifting, practical framework to support a new understanding of disruption.
To celebrate the launch, we made the Kindle edition available for only $0.99 — get yours today! And please tell your friends & colleagues and leave a review on Amazon (it makes a huge difference!).
Thank you! 🤘🏼🤗
¡Mi libro, Disrupt Disruption, ya está disponible en Español bajo el título Más allá de la disrupción!
Lo puedes comprar en su versión digital o física en https://a.co/d/5wjhXEg. ¡Si lo lees, déjame saber que piensas al respecto!