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Yes important points Jeffrey - one of the reasons I have enjoyed using Joseph Voros futures cone which talks about the following:

Preposterous Futures

The outermost cone represents futures that we currently consider ridiculous, impossible, or that will "never" happen. However, Voros included this cone to remind us not to dismiss such futures entirely, as they may become possible with new knowledge or technological advances.

Possible Futures

The next cone inwards represents futures that we think "might" happen based on some future knowledge we do not yet possess but could potentially acquire.

Plausible Futures

This cone contains futures that we think "could" happen based on our current understanding of how the world works (physical laws, social processes, etc.).

Probable Futures

Even narrower, this cone represents futures that are likely to happen, usually based on current trends and extrapolations from the present.

Preferable Futures

These are futures that we think "should" or "ought to" happen, reflecting our aspirations and goals. A preferable future can belong to any of the other future categories.

Projected Future

At the core is the singular projected future, which is the default "business as usual" extrapolation of current trends.

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